Shri Muktanand College, Gangapur
3.2.1 QlM

Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge (patents filed, published, incubation center facilities in the HEI to be considered)

Sr.No. Document Link
1. Research Promotion Policy View
2. List of Research Centres View
3. List of Research Guides View
4. List of Minor Research Projects Sanctioned to the Faculty View
5. Details of the Research Publications in UGC Care Listed Journals View
6. Details of Books, Book Chapters & Proceedings by the Faculties View
7. Google Scholar Citation Profile of the Faculties View
8. Details of Participation & Awards in Avishkar Program View
9. Program Conducted on Avishkar in Collaboration with Deogiri College, Aurangabad View
10. Details of Science Exhibition Programs organized by the College View
11. Fellowship Cum Awards for the Faculty for Conducting Research-Summer Research Fellowship Program (INSA, Govt of India) View
12. Details of the Programs Conducted on Research Methodology, IPR, Subject Related Burning Topics View
13. Letter of Sanction from Innovation & Institutional Council-MHRD, Government of India. View
14. Details of Start-ups Created by the Students of the College View
15. Reimbursement of Fees for Attending & Presenting Research Papers View
16. Details of Innovative Projects Completed by the Students During Academic Year: 2021-22 View
17. NPTEL Local Chapter Sanction Letter View
18. Cover Page of College Magazine ZEP View

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